Red #40 / Allura Red / E129

Is Red Dye 40 Bad for You? 

“One of the things that makes red dye 40 so nefarious is benzidine, a cancer-causing chemical found among its ingredients. In addition to red dye 40, benzidine has been found in yellow No. 5 and yellow No. 6 food color additives. On its own, benzidine has been linked to increased risks of bladder cancer, and the primary way people can be exposed is through ingestion.”  

U.S. News & World Report

Red 40 has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease and other health problems.

A mouse study conducted in Ontario found that Allura Red (Red 40) damaged the inner lining of the colon.  The researchers believe that this work suggests that the synthetic dye can set children up to suffer from irritable bowel disease, colitis, and other health problems.

The senior author, a professor in the McMaster Department of    Pathology and Molecular Medicine, noted, “This study demonstrates significant harmful effects of Allura Red on gut health.”   He said, “The literature suggests that the consumption of Allura Red also  affects certain allergies, immune disorders and behavioural problems in children, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”

According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, inflammatory bowel disease affects approximately three million Americans.

The study was published in the December 2022 issue of the journal Nature Communications.