Other ADHD Triggers

We know that synthetic food dyes cause harm for everyone,  although some people can tolerate larger amounts than others.  However, dyes are certainly not the only potential culprit.   While a person can be sensitive to — or allergic to — virtually   anything, these are worth considering:

Natural Salicylates, aspirin

Family stress

Loss of pet or loved one

Vision deficits

Sensory integration deficits

Excess of heavy metals

Deficiency of “good fats”

Poor gut flora

Food allergies

Thyroid dysfunction 

Environmental chemicals

Magnesium and zinc deficiency from soy infant formula

Wood burning stove, kerosene heater

Gas or oil heater with inadequate filter

Fragrances, plug-ins, cologne, scented candles or sprays

Lack of sleep

Celiac Disease

Fluoride Sensitivity

Additional additives that can trigger ADHD symptoms

Artificial Flavoring

Preservatives : BHA, BHT, TBHQ

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)


High Fructose Corn Syrup

Corn Syrup

Calcium Propionate


New research has shown that the child who is diagnosed with ADHD is generally  among the youngest children in his class.  The symptoms are due more to his level of maturity than to any physical or emotional issue.